
Cannabis & Celebrities

Celebrities & Cannabis: Are they genuinely championing the normalization of cannabis or merely seizing a lucrative opportunity? Join Branding Bud Live co-hosts David Paleschuck and Adriana Hemans as they deep dive into the fascinating world of celebrities and their cannabis brands with Steve Bloom of celebstoner.com. Explore the impact they have on both the normalization of cannabis and the opportunistic nature of their involvement. Some of the topics we cover are:

  • What notable celebrities have ventured into the cannabis industry?

  • How will their involvement affect the overall trajectory of the industry?

  • Will their fame and influence reshape public perception of cannabis?

See our insightful conversation as we explore the intersection of celebrity, cannabis, and the pursuit of both normalization and financial gain.

Read the full transcript šŸ”²


A Close Shave with The Beard Bros


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