
MSO Strategies: Regional Roadmaps & Revolving Doors

It's been a tumultuous year for the cannabis industry, and the shifting legal and regulatory environment has forced many Multi-State Operators (MSOs) to reevaluate their strategies. In this episode of Branding Bud Live, we'll explore the reasons why MSOs are leaving states, regulatory hurdles, market economics, and other production, processing, sales, and distribution challenges. Join us as we delve into the state of the industry and discuss the evolving cannabis landscape and how MSOs are responding to it with our guest, David Goubert, President & CEO, of Ayr Wellness Inc. Some of the topics we discuss:

  • What is the overall state of the industry?

  • Has there been a movement away from specific states?

  • How do business basics like supply & demand, and economies of scale play into the equation?

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